Mount an NTFS volume read/write on OS X

April 6, 2007 at 6:51 pm | Posted in integration, osx, software | 1 Comment

OS X is able by default to mount and browse disks and partitions formatted using the NTFS filesystem, but only for read access.

With the port of the FUSE tools to OS X (project MacFuse), it is now possible to use the NTFS-3G driver to mount NTFS volumes for read/write access.

You can find detailed instructions and downloads in this post by Paul Blacksburg, which has developed, together with Sören Nils Kuklau, a package containing a compiled NTFS-3G driver and a set of command line tools to manage mounting, labeling and more (just like ntfsprogs under GNU/Linux).

I tried the software for mounting a Iomega USB external disk, and it worked like a charm; write performance  is still kind of slow, but work is undergoing to improve it (keep in mind that NTFS-3G is still pretty young), and I’ve copied 8 gigs of audio without problems.

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